What Dog Owners Should Know About Grooming A Puppy

What Dog Owners Should Know About Grooming A Puppy

All puppies are adorable, there is no denying that. But to keep them looking adorable and super cute, it is very important to groom them. Many pet parents are unaware that their little bundle of joy requires regular grooming and to keep them used to it, they need to instill the habit from the very beginning. If you get your young puppy used to a routine involving grooming, they won't hesitate to get it done once they grow up. We are going to tell you all about puppy grooming and how you should go about it.

When should you start with puppy grooming?

Did you know that your puppy is ready for their first grooming session just when they are 10 to 12 weeks old? Yes! You can even get them used to the process much earlier. All you have to do is follow a proper grooming routine. You must start with handling your puppy gently by touching their coat in a tender manner. You can start doing this outside of your playing and training routine. Another thing that you can do is lift their paws and massage the tip of their toes and the paw pads. If your puppy has an exceptionally thick coat then you need to ensure that you check the area around their ears. If your puppy cooperates with you, you can think of treating them with a pea sized puppy treat. This way your puppy will associate the process of grooming with delicious rewards and look forward to the routine.

Puppies coat getting brushed

You must start with playtime

A puppy who is tired and exhausted is more likely to cooperate in grooming. This is why our experts say that you must first take out 15 to 20 minutes for active play before you start puppy grooming. Choose a game that your puppy enjoys and get them engaged in it. Make sure that the game you choose helps in burning extra energy. If you play every time before starting with the grooming, your puppy will associate it with a good time of interaction with you - which they enjoy the most.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that you must stick to a proper routine. Dogs are creatures of habit. They know and understand what you are going to do - if you have a routine chalked out for your dog. Designate a proper space for your dog where you will groom them, then every time you take your dog there, they will understand that it is time for cleaning up!

Invest in the right tools

When you take your puppy to a puppy salon, like Zigly, you will notice that they have the right tools. If you want to groom your puppy in a proper way at home, then you must invest in the right kind of tools. This is because puppies belonging to different breeds have different kinds of coats and this is why they need different combs and brushes. For instance, a puppy with a thin coat requires a fine toothed comb, however, if your puppy has a thick coat then you need a wide toothed comb.

If you are looking for professional grooming options at home, then all you have to do is reach out to us at Zigly. Our experts will come to your doorstep and provide professional grooming to your puppy just like at a puppy salon. From puppy bathing to puppy haircut, all services can be provided within the four walls of your home!

Bathing your puppy

If your puppy is below 3 months of age, then you must resist the urge of using cleaning products on them. Instead, you have the option of running a warm cloth over their coat to help them acclimatize to the entire process. Puppy bathing should only begin once your puppy crosses the three month mark. Make sure that the water you use is lukewarm and that you use a shampoo which is specially formulated for puppies. It should be gentle on the skin. Apply the product gently on the body and smoothen it in the same direction as the fur growth. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly and ensure that it does not go in the eyes. Once you are through with the rinsing apply conditioner, in order to keep the skin and coat hydrated. Please check that the conditioner is especially formulated for puppies.

You can also book dog grooming at our Zigly Experience center

Trimming the puppies coat

Trimming the coat

The best time to trim your puppy's coat is when it is still damp from bathing. Puppies who have thick coats need frequent trimming. Many pet parents have trouble getting the right puppy haircut done.  Dog clippers are a useful tool in this as they help in trimming the hair easily without much effort from you. If you are looking for a salon where you can get professional trimming and grooming done for your puppy, then drop in at Zigly and have the best experience ever!

This was all about puppy grooming. All you have to do is make sure that your puppy enjoys the process and that you follow a proper routine for them. For any more queries reach out to our experts at Zigly, who are just a woof away!

Avail dog grooming at home with just a click.