Did You Know That Ticks & Fleas Can Affect Human Health?

Did You Know That Ticks & Fleas Can Affect Human Health?

Fleas and ticks are not just suckers for pet blood, they love to feed on humans too (if given a chance). You can catch some of the pet’s tick-borne and flea-borne diseases just by physical contact. The fleas jump from one host to another and that host can be any being. In this article, we’ll discuss how ticks and fleas on humans can affect their health and what kind of added repercussions to expect as a result of these ticks and fleas in pets. 


Major Illnesses Caused by Ticks

Major Illness caused by tick

  • Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is one of the sneakiest diseases that attack humans. It can present itself in various forms, usually in a stage-wise manner. If the flea bites are left undetected and untreated, they can manifest themselves into headaches, brain disorders, and even memory loss. Did you know a deer tick can cause Lyme disease in our furries which can be transferred to our bodies with a simple bite? Hence, early detection and proper treatment comprising antibiotics are crucial. 


Tick Responsible: Deer Tick

Early Signs: Rash, Flu-like symptoms, etc.

  • Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI)

The STARI is similar to that of Lyme disease & can be mistaken for Lyme disease. It presents itself as a rash with the symptoms often progressing into fatigue, headache, pain, and fever. The rash appears as a red bull's eye lesion around the bite. The disease can be treated with the help of antibiotics.


Tick Responsible: Lone Star

Early Signs: Rash, Flu-like symptoms, etc.


  • Tularemia

Tularemia affects various species including rodents, dogs, birds, etc. It can attack humans when they come in direct contact with the infected ones or through the bite of an infected tick or mosquito. This disease can be fatal if not detected and treated at an early stage. The disease copies the symptoms of various other illnesses which makes it difficult to diagnose. 

Ticks Responsible: Infected ticks 

Early Signs: Difficult to diagnose since its symptoms are similar to other diseases.


  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF)

The RMSF can spread through the bite of an infected dog tick. It mostly presents itself in the form of various symptoms such as vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, rash, etc. Early detection is crucial in this case as well since it can lead to organ damage if not treated. Antibiotic treatment is recommended.

Ticks Responsible: American dog tick, rocky mountain wood tick, brown dog tick

Early Signs: Vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, rash, etc.


  • Ehrlichiosis

Ehrlichiosis is another nearly-fatal danger to a human tick disease. It spreads through the human body with a bite. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to treat this disease. Do watch out for symptoms similar to the Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. 

Ticks Responsible: Lone Star, Deer Tick

Early Signs: Flu-like symptoms such as fever, chills, nausea, rash etc.

Common Diseases in Humans Caused by Fleas

Common Diseases in Humans Caused by Fleas

  • Plague 

This deadly bacterial disease can be transmitted through flea bites via direct contact with the infected breeds. It can transmit even through the scratches or bites of infected animals. The symptoms are flu-like & require immediate medical attention. It is important to maintain proper sanitation of the ambiance and watch out for any rodents. 

Early Signs: Cold, fever, headache.


  • Cat Scratch Disease

As the name suggests, this disease attacks a human through a scratch or a bite or the saliva of an infected cat. Those who have a poor immune system get infected by it more than others. A blood test is conducted to confirm its diagnosis. 

Early Signs: Bump or blister at the site, headache, fever.


  • Tapeworms

Tapeworm risks are reported as a result of flea infection. These tapeworms can be spotted in the intestines of pets and humans. While the pets contract these tapeworms by swallowing the fleas while bathing or getting groomed, it can attack humans through direct contact. The tapeworms can be dissolved with the help of medication as prescribed by your physician.

Early Signs: Stomachache, nausea. 


  • Typhus

Typhus is another flea and tick-borne illness that can attack the hooman when the Rickettsias bacteria enters the bloodstream. The condition needs to be treated with physician-prescribed antibiotics during the early stage or it can become fatal. 

Early Signs: Fever, chills, headache, rash.


Prevention is Key!

  • Keep the surroundings and surfaces clean. 
  • Cover yourself from head to toe when travelling outdoors.
  • Use insect repellent sprays when stepping out. 
  • If you spot any tick or flea, remove them immediately.
  • Wash your hands regularly with soap. 
  • Keep grooming your furry on a regular basis.


Fogging is another option to consider when the tick and flea infestation is high as ignoring it increases the human health risk as well. 

Book your online vet consultation with Zigly. You can also get ticks and flea repellants on our online pet store.