7 Pets And The Important Pet Care Tips That Experts Swear By

When you become a pet parent, you commit. As pet parents, we do all we can to provide proper care and comfort to our pets. This includes taking them to the vet, giving them food and keeping them hydrated in addition to all the love and warmth that we shower upon them. Here is a complete guide to the most important pet care tips that our experts swear by when it comes to pet animal care.
All About Dog Care
Whether you have had a pooch or pooches your whole life or are a new dog parent, here are some tips to help you become a better mommy or daddy to your paw’tner.
- Do not overfeed: Did you know that overweight dogs are at an increased risk of metabolic abnormalities? They are also prone to cardiovascular diseases and joint diseases and several other health issues. When you overfeed a doggo, not only do they gain unnecessary weight but they also face digestive problems. This makes them slow and lethargic.
- Always plan annual vet visits: It is always a good idea to let your vet screen your pooch for any diseases that they might have or any kind of health trouble. Your vet will also provide you with personalized information about how you need to take care of your fur baby. This will help your pooch stay healthy for a long time and be hearty.
Bowow: If you are looking for a dog care center where your pooch will get both grooming and veterinary services, then hop on to Zigly, your one-stop platform for all pet needs.
- Keep touching your dog’s nose: Apart from helping your pooch smell all kinds of wonderful smells, the nose is an extremely important organ in your fur baby. If your pooch has a wet nose then it is a sign of good health. Did you know that your pooch secretes sweat through its nose to cool down? Yes, therefore, it is important to keep feeling your dog’s nose.
- Make sure to hydrate: Dog care is incomplete if you do not place a bowl of fresh water every day for them. You must also keep refilling the bowl with clean water when your pooch finishes it. Staying hydrated is important for the fur baby to stay healthy.
All About Cat Care
Have you ever wondered how many times you should take your cat to the vet? Plan a visit to the vet twice a year even if your cat does not appear to be sick. What do you do between the gaps that come in the middle of the vet visits? Here are some tips and tricks that experts swear by:
- Groom your feline: Dog care is mostly emphasized by grooming. Well, the same goes for our feline friends too. Whether your cat has long hair or short hair, grooming is a must. Regular brushing and combing go a long way. One of the main benefits of regular grooming is that it removes the dead hair and dead skin cells. This way your cat will not ingest them while self-grooming. It will also help you in noticing any irregularities such as bumps or lumps.
- Provide sufficient litter boxes: It is crucial to encourage good litter habits and that can be done by providing a minimum of two litter boxes for your cat. You must also clean the litter box every day so that you can notice if there is any change in the stool or urine.
- Brush those teeth: Just like us humans, cats can get tartar buildup on their teeth if not taken care of. This can lead to tooth decay and gum problems. To avoid it, brush your cat’s teeth with a brush for cats and a toothpaste that is made especially for cats. Taking care of your pet’s teeth is an important aspect of animal care.
Meoww: Take a look at our range of toothpaste and toothbrushes for your felines and doggos to inculcate healthy dental habits.
All About Fish Care
Fish is another popular pet amongst pet owners. They are undoubtedly one of the most entertaining and beautiful pets that you can add to your family. However, fish are extremely delicate and can fall sick easily. The last thing you would want is to hurt your pet unintentionally. Therefore, here are some useful tips and tricks recommended by experts for proper care of your pet fish.
- Give them enough space: The first and foremost point that you must keep in mind when you have pet fish is that you must provide them with sufficient space. Think fish tanks and think the bigger the better. Living in a large fish tank or aquarium gives your pet fish enough space to grow and move.
- Feed them a balanced diet: Any expert at an animal care center will tell you that you must feed your pet fish a balanced diet. When getting home a fish, you must understand their dietary requirements. Also, make sure that you do not overfeed them. It can impact your fish’s life in a negative way.
- Clean up the fish tank: If there is no hygiene then your pet is in for a tough time. Whether you have a pet dog, cat or fish, you must ensure that the tank is cleaned properly at least twice a week. You must also wash and clean all the decorative items you have kept inside the tank.
All About Hamster Care
Small yet rocky rodents that also make some of the best pets are hamsters! Although they do require proper care and attention to lead a comfortable and happy life.
- Invest in a proper house for your hamster: All experts are of the opinion that you must provide your pet hamster with a crate that has a lot of floor space. You also need to check that it does not have any openings since hamsters are great escape artists. The house for your hamster must be well-ventilated and should allow fresh air.
- Give them some toys: Hamsters love playing with their toys. They also use them for chewing, climbing, burrowing and exploring. A common favorite of all hamsters is an exercise wheel. However, do check that the exercise wheel that you provide has a solid surface so that it does not fall.
- A proper diet: Hamsters do very well on commercial food. However, you can always supplement their diet with greens and fruits. Experts say that hamsters tend to enjoy apples and carrots thoroughly. You can also speak to your veterinarian to understand the caloric need of your hamster. This is always determined on the basis of their size and health condition.
- Good bedding: Grass hay is one of the most preferred bedding of hamsters. You can also use unscented toilet paper or even towels for temporary arrangements. It is crucial to change and clean your hamster's bedding at least 1 to 2 times a week. It should have sufficient depth so that your hamster can burrow and dig with ease.
All About Insect Care
You may think of this as a usual choice but pet insects are quite popular. Since insects are usually small in size, you need to follow the expert advice in order to give them the life they deserve.
- Prepare a terrarium: One of the safest and most comfortable housing options that you can give your pet insect is a terrarium. Make sure that it is glass and that enough air is able to pass through it. People who have stick insects must keep them either in a glass tank or a terrarium.
- Give them enough space: Your pet insect must have enough space in order to move around and feel free. If the insect that you have chosen likes warm air then you need to ensure that the temperature inside the tank is just how your insect likes.
- Freshwater: It is important to spray fresh water into the tank. If you keep the leaves and sticks inside the tank wet, it will help your pet insect stay fresh.
All About Amphibian Care
An amphibian like frog, toad, etc is another unusual pet choice. It is interesting to observe their life cycle and see the different phases they go through. Most people prefer to keep an amphibian as a hobby. However, amphibians do provide their owners with silent companionship. While amphibians are low-maintenance pets, they need to stay in a clean cage with access to fresh water and some food.
- The right temperature: The right kind of environment is important for maintaining the health of your amphibian. The temperature that your pet amphibian requires depends largely on the kind of amphibian you have. An amphibian from a tropical environment will require a humid environment combined with the right amount of warmth. The enclosure should ideally match their natural environment so that they can adapt with ease. You can use plants, mosses and rocks to place in it.
- Keep the enclosure clean: Amphibians have sensitive and absorbent skin. Due to this, experts say that you must clean their enclosure regularly. This helps in avoiding unnecessary infections and diseases. Before handling an amphibian, make sure that you wash your hands properly so that all the dirt and infection are removed.
All About Bird Care
Although birds as pets are quite different from dogs and cats, they still make for wonderful companions. Not only are they extremely beautiful but their sweet chirping can add a lot of joy in the ambiance of your home. Mentioned below are a few tips that will help you become the perfect pet parent to your little birdie.
- Get a strong and sturdy cage: Unfortunately we have to keep our birds in a cage. But you can make life better and comfortable for them by investing in a cage that is big strong and sturdy. The cage should have enough space for your bird to be able to spread their wings fully. It should not be crammed for space and must be able to accommodate a fresh, small bowl of water and a small bowl which has bird seeds.
- Always keep fresh water: Just like any other pet, birds too need access to fresh and clean water on a daily basis. Make sure that you provide them with, clean and fresh water everyday and throw out the old/ stale water.
- Access to sunlight: You must ensure that your bird gets access to sunlight every day. Place their cage in a spot that gets the right amount of sunlight (not too harsh) but also keep in mind that the brutal summer sun can harm your bird.
- Keep toys in their cage: You can make life mpre interesting for your birds by placing a few toys in their cage. This will help them get a bit of exercise and also engage them in an activity.
These were some crucial and helpful tips by experts on animal and pet care. If you are looking for more expert advice regarding your pet, then our experts are here to help.
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