10 Signs You Are A Dog Mom

“The more I see of man, the more I love dogs.” If you have heard this quote, then you surely must be a dog lover or, even better - a dog parent! If you are one or will become one soon, you are at the right place. To help you realize your inner calling, here are ten signs that certify you are a dog mom!
You know that your dog is your child
Who needs to have kids when you have a dog? You are a dog mom if you say this or feel it in your head at least twice a week -- or when you see babies wailing!
Trips to the mall mean shopping for both of you.
A true dog parent can never come home empty-handed after a trip to the market or the mall. You find yourself more inclined towards the dog section and shopping for dogs rather than picking up that t-shirt you really liked. And for days, you don't feel like stepping out -- you have Zigly at your service!
Your dog has a social media platform
Life does not feel complete until you share those cute dog photos of your pooch with the rest of the world! Every little thing your fur baby does goes up on social media - and everyone loves it. Well, aren't you a proud mommy?!
You wait eagerly to come back home from work/ college
It is normal to miss those soft loving eyes when you are at work or college. If you find yourself missing your dog or looking at photos of your dog when you are away and waiting to get back home, then you know that a dog is a man’s best friend, and there is no other place you’d rather be.
No outing is complete without your dog
Whenever you plan to go for an outing, the dog mom in you makes you look for places that specifically allow dogs. And if they don't, you find out ways to sneak in your baby inside. Mostly, an outing for you means deciding on dog playdates. You know that if you need socialization, so does your dog!
You talk to your dog (maybe even sing!)
Living with a dog eventually teaches us to talk to them, just like we talk to everyone else. It is absolutely normal if you find yourself talking to your dog. What's more, you realize that they are the best listeners and respond too! You even like to sing to your dog - and hey, they don't judge!
Trips to the park never happen without your dog.
We are sure you love going to the park - with your dog, of course! Not only are those trips to the park to tire your dog but to help them socialize better. Your pooch is like your companion dog, and no trip to the park can be fulfilling without your fur baby!
You wake up and sleep according to your dog
Everybody knows that dogs have their own routine and expect you to follow that routine. While many people crib, you do so happily and don't mind those wake-up calls at 5 am. You accept the terms and unconditional love that come with being a full-time dog mom.
You think about your dog most of the time
...and why not? After all, best friends forever! Whether you are looking at your dogs' photos, talking about your dog or simply planning their dog's birthday party - you are thinking about your pooch - the majority of the time!
Your dog can turn your frown upside down
Even on the worst of days when nothing seems right, your dog is the constant reminder that life is beautiful. Your dog is with you through the good times and the bad ones. Those furry paws can make a frowning mommy smile ear to ear!
So these were the 10 signs that tell you that you are a dog mom. And if you agreed with most of the points mentioned above, then celebrate the mommy life every day because, with a dog, mommying is double the fun and triple the love. Dogs make everything pawfect! We at Zigly understand that, and that is why we are just a woof away from all your pet parenting needs. For more such entertaining reads, stay tuned to Zigly!
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